Rabu, 20 Januari 2021

The Product Stock of The Month : Green Sukabumi Stone

Green Sukabumi stone is a premium Bali natural stone for the sparkling swimming pool. Many hotels and resorts over the world have used this exotic natural stone tile to improve the pool. If you need to find a Bali natural stone supplier, contact us directly by clicking our Whatsapp link: https://wa.me/6285336906433  (Putri) or email: [email protected]

Green Sukabumi Stone is the favorite Bali natural stone for a beautiful swimming pool around the world. These natural green stone tiles have their distinctive character. The pool which installed green Sukabumi stone can look shining and elegant. It can improve the natural ambiance and calm sensation for the swimmers as well. Stone Depot as the leading natural stone manufacturer has supplied this Bali green stone for many luxury resorts and hotels around the world such as The Six Senses - Seychelles, Bulgari Resort & Hotel - Dubai, Noble Gable - Thailand, and Salani Surf - Samoa Island. 

Today, we want to share our newest product stock list for January 2021. We have some best seller products that ready to send to our customer after payment received at our warehouse. One of the items is the green Sukabumi stone.

As the best seller products, we have stock for Green Sukabumi stone around 2,000 ~ 3,000 sqm on this month. We often improve our production capacity for our products to support our client's needed. Explore our product stocks of the month for your references.

White Limestone - The Product Stock of The Month

Black Lavastone - The Product Stock of The Month

Green Sukabumi Stone - The Product Stock of The Month

Stone Depot is the leading natural stone company that can assist you to choose a suitable natural stone tile for your private pool. If any further assistance you need, please feel free to contact us through our Whatsapp/Mobile Phone: https://wa.me/6285336906433 (Putri) or email us at [email protected]

The Product Stock of The Month: Green Sukabumi Stone