Sabtu, 30 Mei 2020

Fun Facts About Green Stone Sukabumi for Swimming Pool

Green Stone Sukabumi for Swimming Pool – Photo courtesy of Renaissance Pattaya Resort & Spa, Thailand

Green Stone Sukabumi supplier Contact us directly by clicking our Whatsapp link: (Putri). Our Green stone Sukabumi is the premium Indonesia green natural stone for the exotic swimming pool. Many luxury villas in the world from Australia to Dubai have used this beautiful bali green stone tiles to improve the quality of the pool.

The green stone sukabumi tiles are one of the most famous natural stones from Indonesia. This country is known for its diverse natural resource. It is not surprising that Indonesia has a variety of natural stones thanks to its geographic location. This country has many active volcanoes that provide abundant sources of lava stone. Indonesia also has a lot of quartz stone reserves that processed and cut into stone tiles that used for property around the world. The greenstone sukabumi is processed from the quartz stone. That is the reason why this stone tile is very popular among landscaping artists and interior designers.

The green stone sukabumi comes from Sukabumi, West Java Province, and is also called as Pedra Hijau Verde for an international brand. This natural stone is perfect for the swimming pool tiles because it adds aesthetic value to your pool. The stone will make the pool looks elegant and the water shimmering under the hot sun. Now, since you know the origin of the green stone sukabumi, let’s take a look at its unique characteristic. It is important to know that so you won’t be deceived when you want to buy the green stone sukabumi from Indonesia. Here’s the characteristic of green stone sukabumi tiles.

Characteristic of Green Stone Sukabumi Tiles

Green Stone Sukabumi Tiles - Crystal

 Low Absorption Rate with High Abrasion Resistance

One of the reasons why the green stone sukabumi tile is suitable for swimming pool tiles is because the stone has a very low absorption rate. It makes the stone tile is water-resistant and durable. The stone is great for the swimming pool because it will last forever. It means that you just put the best investment for your long-term swimming pool. Also, it has a great rating of abrasion resistance. It doesn't matter if it is exposed to water and weather daily. The stone is still great in the future!

Safe for Pool

Another reason, why the green stone sukabumi is very good for the swimming pool tiles, is because of the safety feature offered by this natural stone. Even though the stone has been processed and cut, the finishing let the stone tiles give a great grip for your feet even in wet conditions. It makes the green stone sukabumi is anti-slippery and safe for the swimming pool.

Universal Purpose

Other then used for the swimming pool tiles, the green stone sukabumi tiles are also perfect for both interior and exterior parts of your property. The stone tiles are great for wall cladding too! Now you can make something beautiful with a particular pattern using these stone tiles that have a rough cut. This stone is also perfect for a patio or paves in the backyard.

Green Color

The reason people call it green stone sukabumi is because the stone has a green tone. It is not just green as it can change a little bit from bright to darker depends on the condition. It gets darker when it is wet and the stone looks green bright when it is dry.

If any further assistance, you need regarding our green stone sukabumi tiles, please click this Whatsapp link to contact us directly: (Putri) or email: [email protected].

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